Ezgi Erkan
Consultant, Trainer & Facilitator
”A pioneer in lifelong learning and inclusive
corporate culture.”

Born in 1981. Graduated from Istanbul University with a B. A. in Economics and a minor in Business Administration.
Began her career as a Management Trainee at Finansbank in 2004 and undertook roles in branch, regional, and headquarters marketing and human resources teams sequentially. Then, she worked as responsible for branch training projects in the Sales and Strategy team and became an in-house trainer.
In 2011, she started working in the Commercial Marketing team at ING Bank Turkey and then transferred to the Sales and Marketing team. Here, she developed sales strategies, took active roles in marketing projects, and coached branch marketing teams.
She participated in the Mob-Com project created for digitizing marketing strategies, conducted studies on hinterland analysis, target-oriented work, and branch mentoring.
She continued her in-house trainer role within ING Bank, and in 2019, she started working in the Recruitment team at ING Bank Human Resources.
In addition to talent acquisition, she actively contributed to the implementation of flexible working models that supported the bank's goal of becoming a preferred employer brand through projects focused on candidate satisfaction.
Later, she became a Business Partner in the Human Resources department and managed projects that provide interdepartmental vertical mobility opportunities aimed at developing talents within the organization and advancing the career cycle.
She pioneered the "HR Metrics" project to ensure that HR policies permeate throughout the bank uniformly and enable objective evaluations, and conducted studies in areas such as overtime, leadership candidate development, and reasons for resignation.
She joined the Enthusiast team in 2021 and provides Mentorship, Leadership, and Skill Development training.